Amidst a 1930s themed grand opening, Capella Shanghai celebrated another milestone on 28 October 2017.
自2015年项目启动之后,经过两年的精心筹备,上海建业里嘉佩乐酒店全面开业,内有55栋酒店石库门别墅,40栋嘉佩乐公寓,一所顶级品牌水疗Auriga,沿街生活方式品牌零售店The Gallery和由传奇法国名厨Pierre Gagnaire先生在中国内地开设的第一家餐厅le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire和面包房la Boulangerie。
Since announcing the project in 2015, Capella Shanghai is now fully opened with 55 shikumen villas, 40 luxurious serviced residences, a world-class Auriga Spa and casual chic French dining concept le Comptoir de Pierre Gagnaire as well as la Boulangerie by the legendary chef Pierre Gagnaire in the street-facing Gallery.
The event was a nostalgic return to Shanghai’s glamorous past. As if stepping back in time to the golden era of the city.
A traditional paper-cut artist used guests’ silhouettes and the Capella logo to turn red paper into meaningful souvenirs.
当晚,上海嘉佩乐酒店与本土设计师Rose Dai合作上演了精彩的时装秀,其设计灵感来自于毛主席,服装轮廓干净利落。这些作品也被悬挂在酒店的小巷里作为道具展示,还原了老石库门居民悬挂竹竿晾晒衣服的生活场景。
A fashion show by Shanghainese designer, Rose Dai,displayed clean silhouettes inspired by Chairman Mao. These pieces were hung for display along the alleyway, in the same way shikumen dwellers used to hang their laundry on bamboo poles.
酒店当晚还安排了一支爵士乐队现场演奏向老上海致敬,音乐温暖欢快,乐队特地演奏了二十世纪三十年代的经典曲目以纪念当年的“金嗓子”— 美丽的周璇。整个晚上,一幕幕表演都让人回想起上海的历史,沉浸其中。
In yet another nod to Old Shanghai, a live jazz band performed the warm and rich tones of the jazz standards, including classic tunes that honored the beautiful and talented Zhou Xuan, the ‘Golden Voice’ of 1930’s Shanghai. Throughout the evening, actors played out various scenes that brought history to life.
Food carts constructed to recollect a turn-of-the-century ambience kept party guests wined and dined all night long.
上海建业里嘉佩乐酒店的总经理Dorian Rommel先生说:“我们的开业典礼就是为了与大家一起庆祝重温上海如此浪漫的历史,酒店内的建筑每一处都经过精心修复,都是为了保留老上海30年代留下的特质,重现黄金时代。我们的客人一踏进酒店就能穿梭时间回到当时,感受到魔都上海引以为豪的独特文化遗产。
“Our grand opening was all about celebrating Shanghai’s romantic history,” said Mr. Dorian Rommel, General Manager of Capella Shanghai. “As with the construction and restoration of Capella Shanghai, Jian Ye Li, every detail was carefully planned to honor Shanghai’s golden era. The result for our guests is a sanctuary that feels at once like you’re taking a step back in time and experiencing a modern Shanghai proud of its unique cultural heritage.”
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