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2017-10-27 来源:  热度: 举报
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  Since 2015 SPG? has partnered with Uber to offer members the opportunity to earn Starpoints? for rides, and we wanted to provide advance notice that this partnership is scheduled to come to an end on December 17, 2017.

  Members don’t need to take any action, Starpoints earned to date with Uber will not be affected and can still be earned through 11:59pm EST on December 17, 2017.

  We’ve added a wiki with some anticipated FAQ’s, but as always, please let us know if we can help answer any other questions.

  Best regards,

  William R. Sanders

  Social Media Specialist

  Starwood Hotels & Resorts LLC


  Frequently Asked Questions

  When will members stop earning Starpoints on their Uber rides?

  Members who have met all of the requirements to earn Starpoints in accordance with the SPG-Uber benefits program, including, without limitation, having a Stay posted to their SPG Member account for the current calendar year will continue to earn Starpoints on Uber rides up until 11:59PM on December 17, 2017, subject to applicable limits.

  If members have a stay that overlaps with the program end date, will they still earn 2 Starpoints per US$1 spent on Uber rides taken during the stay?

  Yes, members who check-in for a Stay prior to 11:59PM on December 17, 2017 and have an Uber pick-up time prior to 11:59PM on December 17, 2017, subject to applicable limits, will earn 2 Starpoints for every U.S. dollar or its foreign equivalent denomination spent for fares on the Uber ride(s). Any rides taken after 11:59PM on December 17, 2017, even if taken during a stay that originated on or prior to December 17, 2017, will not earn Starpoints on the Uber ride(s). To earn Starpoints for any Uber ride the member must have met all of the requirements to earn Starpoints in accordance with the SPG-Uber benefits program, including, without limitation, having a Stay posted to their SPG Member account for the current calendar year.

  Why did I recently have a delay in my Starpoints posting for my Uber rides?

  An issue was identified affecting Uber rides over the last month that delayed the posting of points to member accounts. We have since fixed this issue and members should receive all ride credits within the stated 2-4 week period.



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