AccorHotels announces that it has signed agreements with a group of international investors with a view to selling a majority of the capital of AccorInvest.
根据协议条款,雅高酒店集团首先将AccorInvest的55%股权出售给主权基金,即沙特阿拉伯公共投资基金(PIF)和新加坡政府投资公司(GIC);机构投资者,即法国农业信贷银行(Credit Agricole Assurances)、科勒尼北星公司(Colony NorthStar)和东方汇理资产管理公司(Amundi);以及其他投资者。雅高酒店集团将通过此次交易获得44亿欧元现金流量。
Under the terms of the agreements, AccorHotels would initially sell 55% of AccorInvest to Sovereign Funds, namely the Public Investment Fund (PIF) and GIC, Institutional Investors, namely Credit Agricole Assurances, Colony NorthStar and Amundi, and other investors. For AccorHotels, the sale would result in a cash contribution of €4.4 billion.
雅高酒店集团主席兼首席执行官塞巴斯蒂安·巴赞(Sébastien Bazin)表示:“签订这些协议,对于集团而言有着里程碑式的意义。继去年夏天AccorInvest成为独立法人企业后,我们正在根据充分反映其全球领导地位和资产品质的估值,组织一场领先投资者的圆桌会议,同时在雅高酒店集团和AccorInvest之间建立长期合作关系。这些要素对于所有利益相关方都至关重要,这其中包括了各团队、合作伙伴以及两家企业目前和未来的股东。新股东的加入和AccorInvest的拆分将为雅高酒店集团提供充分的余地,以此强化我们的增长态势和创新策略,并为股东创造价值。AccorInvest本身也将利用新股东强有力的支持,以及更稳健的财务结构来执行其战略规划,并继续增强其资产组合。”
Sébastien Bazin, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of AccorHotels, said: “These agreements represent a key milestone for the Group. Following the separation of AccorInvest into a stand-alone legal entity last summer, we are now gathering a round-table of leading investors, on the basis of a valuation that fully reflects its global leadership and the quality of its assets, while building a long-term relationship between AccorHotels and AccorInvest. These elements were essential to make this operation a success for all stakeholders: teams, partners, as well as present and future shareholders of both entities. The entry of new shareholders and the deconsolidation of AccorInvest will provide AccorHotels with substantial leeway to enhance our dynamic growth and innovation strategy and create value for shareholders. For its part, AccorInvest will take advantage of its new powerful shareholders’ support, as well as a strengthened financial structure to execute its roadmap and continue to reinforce its portfolio of assets.”
The AccorInvest hotels would be operated by AccorHotels under very-long-term contracts, namely 50 years (including a 15-year renewal option) for luxury and upscale hotels and 30 years on average (including a 10-year renewal option) for hotels in the midscale and economy segments. The management contract terms that have been negotiated between the parties are in line with market practices.
With close to 30,000 employees and operations in 27 countries, AccorInvest is the world leader in hotel real estate, with a current portfolio of 891 hotels. The majority of these hotels are located in Europe, in the economy and midscale segments. Of the total, 324 are owned and 567 are operated under fixed or variable-rent leases.
Under the terms of the agreements, the investors made binding undertakings to carry out the transaction and AccorHotels granted them an exclusivity, pending works council consultation. The transaction is also subject to certain antitrust and regulatory approvals. It will be submitted to a shareholders’ meeting of AccorHotels for consultation. It is expected to be finalized in the second quarter of 2018. AccorInvest would then be accounted for using the equity method in AccorHotels’ consolidated financial statements.
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