雅高酒店集团旗下索菲特品牌管理的斯克瑞博酒店(Le Scribe)进入计划于2019年秋季结束的整修期,届时酒店将焕然一新。这座巴黎地标酒店携手威尔逊室内建筑设计公司(Wilson Associates)及其艺术总监Tristan Auer,力求令酒店重拾昔日辉煌。作为今年当选世界最杰出的室内设计师之一的Auer希望从斯克瑞博酒店的发展历程中汲取设计灵感,重新解读酒店一贯的待客之道。酒店在翻新改造期间仍对外开放,旨在通过重点展示其核心资产,即歌剧院区域中心的优越地理位置、全新设计及特色餐饮服务,充分诠释巴黎精神。
Le Scribe, managed by Sofitel, part of the AccorHotels group, begins a refurbishment that will culminate in the hotel’s metamorphasis in autumn 2019. A Paris institution, Le Scribe has joined forces with Wilson Associates and its artistic director Tristan Auer to restore the hotel to its former glory. Recognised this year as one of the world’s leading decorators and designers, Auer seeks to reinterpret the traditional hospitality codes for Le Scribe by drawing inspiration from its history. The hotel, which will remain open during its transformation, aims to embody the spirit of Paris by emphasising its core assets, namely its location in the Opéra district, its new design and its food & beverage offering.
An ideal location in the heart of Paris
斯克瑞博酒店位于巴黎市中心,建于歌剧院区域早期开发阶段,极具传奇色彩。众多精彩在此汇聚,引人神往的百货商场、风景动人的林荫大道(Grands Boulevards)、幽雅迷人的和平街(rue de la Paix)、奢华的旺多姆广场(Place Vend?me)、闻名世界的卢浮宫(Louvre)、引人惊叹的皇家宮殿(Palais Royal)、令人流连忘返的拱廊街道……一切都近在咫尺,为旅程开启无限可能。150年来,斯克瑞博酒店早已深深融入巴黎生机勃勃的生活节奏中。
Le Scribe, a legendary hotel in the centre of Paris, was built as part of the Opéra district’s initial development. The city’s alluring department stores, exciting Grands Boulevards, elegant rue de la Paix, luxurious Place Vend?me, world-famous Louvre, charming Palais Royal and beguiling arcades are nearby. Le Scribe has been part of the vibrant beat of Paris for 150 years.
Symbolising the art of living since 1861
自1861年建成以来,斯克瑞博酒店在巴黎的都市生活中一直扮演着重要角色。竣工后两年,也就是1863年,酒店被选为著名的赛马俱乐部成员活动中心,法兰西第二帝国时期,整个法国乃至欧洲各国的社会名流常常在此聚会。1895年,富有远见的卢米埃尔兄弟在斯克瑞博酒店放映了世界上第一部电影。这里也留下了许多艺术家和名人的印记,如约瑟芬·贝克(Josephine Baker),1968年以前,她一直将斯克瑞博酒店视为自己在巴黎的家。
Since its construction in 1861, Le Scribe has been a key player in the city’s life, having been chosen just two years later, in 1863, as the seat of the prestigious Jockey Club, where French and European high society gathered during the Second Empire. In 1895, the visionary Lumière brothers held the world’s first film screening at Le Scribe, which was also home to many artists and celebrities including Josephine Baker, who made it her Paris residence until 1968.
Paris and its heritage at the heart of the refurbishment
斯克瑞博酒店以其历史传承为傲,向来是世界各地的英才俊杰、远见卓识之士、巴黎贵妇淑女和艺术大家的流连之所。艾森豪威尔将军(General Eisenhower)解放巴黎后随即在斯克瑞博酒店召开了新闻发布会,与会者都是美国和加拿大新闻界响当当的人物。穿越历史的洪流,斯克瑞博酒店的高墙内至今仍回响着当年会场上的高谈阔论、热情交流和欢声笑语。
Proud of its heritage, Le Scribe has always been a meeting place for brilliant minds, visionary or eccentric spirits, elegant Parisian ladies-who-lunch and artists from around the world. Its walls echo with the conversations, encounters and laughter witnessed throughout history, as when the greatest names in American and Canadian journalism attended General Eisenhower’s?press conferences at Le Scribe after the liberation of Paris.
“这座建筑一直充斥着各种影像:动态影像 - 电影 - 摄影图像,尤其是战争时期,斯克瑞博酒店被用作通讯中心的时候。它也是世界上第一座悬挂幕布拍摄广告宣传片的建筑。更重要的是它还拥有如此精彩的历史!”
威尔逊室内建筑设计公司艺术总监Tristan Auer
“This is a building that has always been closely connected to images: the moving image - cinema - and photographic images, especially during the war when it was a communications centre. It was also the first building in the world to be draped for an advertising campaign. What’s more, it has a fantastic history!”
Tristan Auer, artistic director, Wilson Associates.
Tristan Auer设计的客房内部设有壁炉、装饰壁带、护墙板和布面床头板,让人不禁联想起巴黎特色公寓。浴室天花板上的彩绘酷似夏加尔(Chagall)为巴黎歌剧院绘制的穹顶壁画,配色可与之媲美,美不胜收。那些浅浮雕、圆雕饰和花瓶则使人联想到艺术家的工作室,是对巴黎博物馆的致敬之作。墙壁上装饰着风格各异的抽象画作品,均由新锐法国画家绘制,颜色鲜艳活泼,充满勃勃生机。
Tristan Auer’s designs for the guestrooms recall a Parisian apartment, with fireplaces, mouldings, wainscoting and fabric headboards. Bathroom ceilings reflect the colours of the Opéra Garnier’s ceiling as painted by Chagall, a beautiful reference to the area. The bas-reliefs, medallions and vases evoke artists’ studios, a nod to Paris museums. A selection of vibrant, colourful works in various abstract styles by young French artists decorates the walls.
浴室地板以水磨石铺就,搭配上等木质壁带,叠置布料、摺叠屏风、陶瓷工艺品、木制品和贴砖随处可见,顷刻间令人沉浸于19世纪的氛围之中。Tristan Auer特地将家居服挂钩设计成挂镜线的造型。玫瑰金色的水龙头带着一丝女性柔美,与酒店作为“男士俱乐部”的精神主旨形成鲜明对比。
The bathrooms feature terrazzo floors, upper wooden moulding evoking a typical 19th-century atmosphere, with superimposed materials, folding screens, ceramics, wood and tiling. Tristan Auer specially designed the dressing gown hooks to resemble picture rails. Rose-gold faucets are in contrast to the hotel’s “men’s club” spirit with a soft, feminine touch.
The spirit of a gentleman’s club
斯克瑞博酒店希望重现法兰西第二帝国时期巴黎歌剧院周边繁华热闹的夜生活氛围,那时斯克瑞博酒店还是赛马俱乐部专门的活动场所。Tristan Auer巧妙地以一种细腻考究的方式重现了“男士俱乐部”的精神。为了冲淡过于浓厚的男性色彩,他设计的客房和茶室更富女性魅力,更加空灵纯真、柔和贴心,同时还让人联想到巴黎经典的传统奥斯曼风格(Haussmannian)公寓。
Le Scribe wanted to recreate the intense ambiance of Paris nightlife around the Opéra Garnier during the Second Empire, when it was the seat of the Jockey Club. Tristan Auer skilfully recreated the spirit of a “men’s club” with subtle, refined touches. To contrast with the masculine side, he created guestrooms and a tearoom that are more feminine, angelic and sensitive while revisiting the mood of a Haussmannian apartment typical of Paris.
Le Scribe will undergo a complete refurbishment from April 2018 to autumn 2019 but remain open during that entire time. Travellers can discover the first guestrooms in September 2018. Recalling Parisian pieds-à-terre, they will feature the codes of the capital’s Haussmannian architecture.
A hotel concept beyond the walls
斯克瑞博酒店顺应Tristan Auer融合历史传统与现代特色的设计理念,采取协作手法诠释巴黎精神。入住宾客、周边居民以及酒店员工都可以参与调查反馈,以期共同打造令人耳目一新的酒店服务。这一倡议的宗旨是将宾客纳入酒店精神内核,从而为宾客打造纯粹的巴黎风格入住体验。
In keeping with Tristan Auer’s design choices—evoking the historic Paris hotel while embracing modernity—Le Scribe takes a collaborative approach to embody the Parisian spirit. Guests, neighbourhood residents and hotel staff will participate in surveys with an eye to co-building the hotel’s new offerings. This initiative aims to put guests at the heart of Le Scribe’s spirit, creating a thoroughly Parisian experience.
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