Head to Head “一对一”巅峰对抗赛在三亚中心凯悦嘉轩酒店举行
2018年世界小姐总决赛Head to Head 一对一巅峰对抗赛如期在三亚中心凯悦嘉轩酒店36楼九悦吧暨空中泳池顺利举行,来自全世界120多位佳丽们纷纷聚集在这座热带滨海城市的至高点-三亚中心凯悦嘉轩酒店36楼。
The 2018 Miss World head to head event was held at the 9-dot Bar on the 36th floor of Sanya City Center’s Hyatt Place featuring views of the entire city. On top of the tallest building in downtown Sanya, more than 120 contestants from around the world gathered to participate.
120名来自不同国家及地区的世界小姐选手身着华贵晚礼服出席。嘉宴到场的嘉宾有新丝路产业集团董事长兼CEO李冰先生;阳光保险集团不动产总经理张杰先生;世界小姐机构代表第66届世界小姐全球总冠军MS.STEPHANIE DEL VALLE;三亚中心凯悦嘉轩酒店总经理李育麟先生。
The Miss World contestants came dressed to impress, each showing off exquisite evening gowns. Among the contestants, guests at the cocktail party included the Chairman and CEO of New Silk Road, Mr. Li Bing; General Manager of Sunshine Insurance Group, Mr Zhang Jie; Miss World 2016 Champion, Ms. Stephanie Del Valle; and General Manager of the Hyatt Place Sanya City Center, Mr. Henry Li.
第68届世界小姐中国区域南部冠军潘忆琳小姐与第68届世界小姐中国区域北部冠军唐怡宁系本场酒会的主持人,其中潘忆琳小姐作为新丝路形象大使在酒会上对凯悦嘉轩酒店提供的优美环境表示了诚挚的感谢,并热情欢迎来自世界各地的120名选手。世界小姐机构代表第66届世界小姐全球总冠军MS.STEPHANIE DEL VALLE再次感谢了凯悦嘉轩酒店为世界小姐们举办的嘉宴,并希望大家能拥有一个愉快的夜晚。三亚中心凯悦嘉轩酒店总经理李育麟先生上台表示了对在场来宾、选手的欢迎,并预祝第68届世界小姐全球总决赛圆满成功。
2018’s Miss World China regional champions, Miss Pan Yilin and Miss Tang Yining took the stage to welcome the contestants from all around the world. On behalf of the Miss World Organization, 2016 Miss World Champion, Ms. Stephanie Del Valle, thanked the Hyatt Place for hosting the party for the contestants. Finally, the General Manager of the Hyatt Place, Mr. Henry Li welcomed the contestants and guests and wished the best to those competing.
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