In your opinion, how to become hotel good management leader?
“ 一个成功的管理者对于任何组织来讲起着非常重要的作用,这个不仅表现在他们会努力地实现对工作质量和效率的完成度,从而让他们的工作的表现更加的出色。
作为W酒店管理者的不同之处是,我们秉承谦虚谨慎、做到更好 ”Humble But Better” ,对自己的工作不断地追求创新,并拥有一份执着的热情。然而最重要的核心是与员工之间的关系,在市场竞争日益激烈的当今社会,企业员工已经成为企业持续发展的决定性因素,使企业认识到人才是其竞争对手不可模仿的资本。W酒店关爱员工的最基本的原则,并从员工的总体发展出发,为他们创造一个适合他们的工作环境。”
“ Good management leaders are essential to any successful organization. An exceptional good manager achieves a hard-working, productive and effective workforce that punches above its weight in its performance.
Being at W Hotel, what makes different from others is to be “Humble But Better”, passionate on your work and creative. While a key to successful management is the relationship between the leader and staff, it’s the manner in which managers care and manage their people that separates the ordinary from the good and the exceptional.
Good relationships are based on trust, commitment and engagement, and a good manager’s essential role is to build these relationships for the benefit of the organization, so that the tasks that are set are completed with enthusiasm, effectively, on time and with the energy to do more.”
In the current trend of hotel industry, mid-scale or economic hotel is getting popular, guests are more and more focusing on the personalized service, what is your opinion to compete those hotels?
“ 我相信个性化服务已经成为酒店服务行业的核心部分,随着社会经济的不断发展,客人对于生活质量的要求也越来越高,而酒店服务行业的主要目的旨在尽最大的可能满足客人的要求。 W的使命是是引领全球酒店设计潮流的酒店品牌。这里不仅仅是客人的下榻的酒店,更是他们的奢华生活方式的目的地,为客人打造通往惊喜世界的秘密通。这体现在我们随时随需的服务理念中。并更多的表现在于那些与我们分享激情,找寻最新讯息的服务。”
“ I believe personalized service is more and more the focus of every guest, they are looking forward to receiving a good quality of lifestyle, hotel’s objective is to meet guest’s demand in return to bring more and more repeated guests. W’s mission is to provide insider access to the world of WOW. No matter how far W goes, it never forgets where it came from and the mindset it inspires in everything it does. The brand promise of W hotel expresses a commitment to make the W experience authentic. ”广州W酒店非凡极致终极入住体验
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